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Thank You, Teachers!


Teacher Appreciation Week is coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean we’re done celebrating everything you do as educators. Here at Gallopade, we understand the daily battles educators face as many of our staff have transitioned out of the school building and into the office.

Each of them has brought along their own accounts and experiences of what they faced during their time in the classroom. We understand the pressure educators are experiencing across the educational landscape and are here to offer support in any way we can.

We strive to provide the resources you need at every stage in the educational process from back-to-school season to spring break, but nothing we do can make up for the work, time, and effort you’ve put into doing your job.

For this, and much more, we want to say thank you. Thank you for getting up early every day no matter what you’re going through and coming into schools around the world. Thank you for staying late into the evening to ensure everything is prepared for the next day of school.

Thank you for being the warriors that lead the educational charge on the front lines. Thank you for prioritizing the task of nurturing and guiding the bright minds of the future. Thank you for handling all the challenges and changes that come your way with grace.

Thank you for being you. There is no amount of ‘thank yous’ that will ever be enough to completely express how we feel about our educators and the work you all are doing, but we can try.

Thank you for the endless success stories that start in your classrooms. Thank you for the times you pushed through after exhausting all the options. Thank you for putting on a smile even when you feel as if you have nothing left to give.

Thank you for helping students understand they can achieve so much more in life if they apply themselves. Thank you for guiding, leading, and inspiring students to achieve their dreams.

As Henry Adams once said, “A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops.” While you might not see the results you’re looking for today you can guarantee you’ve made an impact in the lives of the students you’re tasked to teach each and every day.

We celebrate you today, tomorrow, and every day. Thank you.


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